Haze and Hotspots Maps 3 December 2015

There are 9 hotspots detected in South Sumatera Province, this means a slight increase from the previous day. While for East Kalimantan, the number of hotspots slightly decresed to 3 from 5 hotspots detected the previous day. The CO pollution over Palembang (South Sumatera Capital) and Samarinda (East Kalimantan Capital) is between 0.12 to 0.13 ppmv.

Haze and Hotspots Maps 30 November 2015

There are only 2 hotspots detected in South Sumatera. The number of hotspots detected is decreasing over the last days, due to rain in the province for the last few days.  For East Kalimantan there were no hotspots detected today.