Work Package 3

Strengthening of management capabilities (capacities).

What we want to achieve

Work Package 3 aims at developing and providing training concepts and advanced training for employees of relevant government institutions as well as for local communities with the purpose of strengthening their management capacities for the sustainable management of protected areas.

This will be done in close cooperation with – among others – the National Forestry Training Centre in Bogor (BDK).

What we do

  • Develop training concepts and implement advanced training for employees of relevant government institutions
  • Establish adapted management structures for the optimum utilisation of funds
  • Support of further development of FMUs
  • Support towards the establishments of transparent and participatory planning and decision-making processes.
  • Implement training and advanced training for local communities

How do we know we’ve achieved it.

Administration, relevant agencies and local communities are in a position to manage protected areas and perform their respective agreed upon obligations.