The capacity development strategy of BIOCLIME has an holistic approach and focuses on the ability of people, organizations, and communities to manage their own sustainable development processes and adapt to changing circumstances.

In order to strengthen management capacity and encourage transparent and participatory planning and decision-making processes relating to biodiversity and climate change in South Sumatra, BIOCLIME works at different levels (individuals, organizations, and communities) with government institutions, including forest management units (FMUs), non-governmental organizations, universities and research centers, the private sector, and local communities.

BIOCLIME’s approach is based on continuing professional development (CPD) for individuals to enhance their proactive capacities, involving training, coaching, networking, joint learning, and knowledge sharing. Following training needs assessments (TNAs) and considering the requirements of the project, BIOCLIME identified training concepts used by other institutions and redesigned the curricula. Cooperation was established with Pusdiklat Kehutanan (the national forestry education and training center) to apply relevant tools and use existing infrastructure.

As part of its mission to promote organizational learning and raise the performance and flexibility of organizations and institutions, BIOCLIME supports “change management” with a primary focus on continuous development of FMUs by strengthening their management systems, customer orientation, optimization processes, management of resources, and knowledge management. BIOCLIME has established a “FMU Forum” and a communication platform via its website to establish and develop cooperation and improve coordination, performance, and knowledge sharing through networks and alliances.

BIOCLIME assists provincial and district governments in establishing transparent policies and participatory processes and integrating these into land use planning. FMUs play a key role at the local level, and BIOCLIME supports them by helping local people improve their livelihoods and integrate community needs and rights in forest ecosystem management concepts.