Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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With its extensive tropical forests, Indonesia has huge biodiversity and bioeconomy potential and the country’s forest bioeconomy has the potential to contribute significantly to other sectors of the economy, such as energy, food and pharmaceuticals. However, awareness of various stakeholders and research relating to the forest bioeconomy remains limited. As a result, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas has initiated a study aimed at optimizing the forest bioeconomy for long-term use.
Against this background, FORCLIME facilitated a kick-off meeting for the study, which was held on 19 August 2022 in Sentul, West Java. The meeting was opened by Dr. Nur Hygiawati Rahayu, ST, MSc, the Director of Forestry and Water Resources Conservation at Bappenas, and continued with a number of presentations made by experts from the Bandung Institute of Technology. During the discussion, various bioeconomy potentials that will be capable of supporting the transition from a fossil-based economy to a bio-resource-based economy were discussed. Research and the use of technological innovations in order to increase the added value of forest products are seen as important areas of exploration. In addition, the availability of comprehensive data relating to Non-Timber Forest Products, both upstream to downstream, is also seen as critical.
In September, a series of discussions with related parties will be held and will involve participation from academics, related ministries/institutions, state-owned enterprises, NGOs and the private sector.
“We hope that this study can provide an overview of how to utilize the potentials of Indonesia's forests through an analysis of the current situation in Indonesia, including conditions at the site level, regulations and funding. We will draw up a projection of requirements for the next 20 years and hopefully, the results of this study can provide input for the National Long-Term Development Plan 2026 - 2045,” Mrs. Nur Hygiawati Rahayu explained.
For more information, please contact:
Nurdita Rahmadani, Junior Advisor for Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
Pipin Permadi, Senior Advisor and Liaison Officer
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic Area Manager for Forest Policy and Climate Change
With the aim of accelerating the social forestry programme within the province of West Papua, the Papua Provincial Forestry Service, supported by FORCLIME, held a coordination meeting on 8 - 9 August 2022 in Sorong City. The meeting was opened by the Governor’s Expert Member of Staff for Development Economics, Dr. Niko U. Tike, SE.MM, and the 100 attendees included representatives from various government agencies, NGOs and development partners of West Papua Province, as well as a number of academics. During the meeting, the Head of the West Papua Province Forestry Service, Ir. Runaweri F.H, MM., announced that the purpose of the coordination meeting was to coordinate and synergize recent developments in social forestry within the province of West Papua, as well as to affirm the support of West Papua Development Partners regarding the implementation of the Social Forestry Work Programme in West Papua.
During the meeting, various issues were discussed, including the permit schemes that have already been introduced. In West Papua Province, only two social forestry permit schemes have been introduced, specifically the village forest scheme (73 permits issued) and the community forestry scheme (nine permits issued). Also discussed during the meeting was the availability of facilitators. In this regard, of the 22 facilitators that have already been approved, only 17 are currently available out in the field. Said facilitators have been drawn from various communities and some of them have been unable to work at full capacity as a result of other responsibilities, while capacities themselves differ. In addition, the meeting also discussed the involvement of relevant agencies in the development of social forestry, for example, through Forest Management Units.
Various suggestions emerged during the discussions that took place during the meeting, including the seeking of synergy between agencies and facilitators, as well as other facilitators from other ministries (e.g. the Ministry for the Acceleration of Village Development).
Another suggestion that was made during the meeting was a proposal to increase the capacities of facilitators so that they all possess more or less the same competencies. As a result of this suggestion, FORCLIME is planning to hold a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) session for facilitators in order to create a training concept that best fits their needs.
For more information, please contact:
Nita Yohana, Adviser for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for West Papua Province
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces
As the largest wetland ecosystem on the island of Papua, the Wasur National Park has an important role to play and requires adequate maintenance. This maintenance encompasses support from and the involvement of other parties as a part of the national park’s management. In an effort to coordinate with the Regional Government of Merauke Regency, the Wasur National Park held a coordination meeting on 15 August 2022, which was opened by the Deputy Regent of Merauke, Mr. H. Riduan, S.sos., M.Pd. and which was also attended by the Secretary of Merauke Regency, Mr. Ruslan Ramli.
During the meeting, the Head of the Wasur National Park outlined the progress that had been made in terms of the recent activities that have been carried out in the national park area, including some that were supported by FORCLIME. Furthermore, the head also expressed the need to strengthen the Wasur National Park Management Collaborative Forum (FKPTNW) and its role of encouraging communication and coordination between parties in order to support the management of the national park. In this regard, the establishment of Merauke Regency as a new center of government for South Papua Province means that pressure on the Wasur National Park will undoubtedly increase even further.
During the meeting, the Deputy Regent of Merauke Regency explained that the FKPTNW could be strengthened after the various processes involved in the establishment of South Papua Province had been completed. In this regard, the goal is to ensure that new FKPTNW members are policymakers who will be able to play a role in supporting the management of the Wasur National Park.
In the wake of the meeting, there will be a series of follow-up meetings that will address the revitalization of the FKPTNW. The hope is that it will be able to play a major role in supporting more effective management of the national park while remaining focused on the welfare of the local indigenous peoples through the sustainable use of non-timber forest products.
For more information, please contact:
Theodora F. Resubun, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua Province
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces
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