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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme

The programme's overall objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the forest sector while improving the livelihoods of Indonesia's poor rural communities. In order to achieve this goal, the programme team will support the Indonesian Government in the design and implementation of various legal, policy-related and institutional reforms aimed at the conservation and sustainable management of forests at the local, provincial and national levels. The geographic focus of FORCLIME is Eastern Indonesia and the Provinces of Central Sulawesi, Papua and West Papua. Support for the local implementation of international forest policy mechanisms, including REDD+ under the Climate Change Convention and the Access and Benefit Sharing Mechanism (ABS) set out under the Convention on Biological Diversity is an essential feature of the programme, and is resulting in decision-makers with experience of how international concepts can be implemented on the ground.

FORCLIME's Assistance

  • Advice on strategy development for forest development and REDD+ at the national, provincial and district levels;
  • Technical advice on a framework for the implementation of REDD+ at various levels, including a climate financing mechanism;
  • Support for forestry administration reform processes such as the establishment of forest management units and community forestry schemes;
  • Support for nature conservation and the Access Benefit Sharing Mechanism;
  • Development of environmental-service payment schemes in order to support sustainable livelihoods in rural areas;
  • Support for the marketing and sustainable use of Non-Timber Forest Products by local communities and policy measures aimed at a forest-based bioeconomy, including cooperation with local universities; and
  • Capacity building for sustainable forest management and nature conservation
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Technical Cooperation (TC)

GIZ works with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on national policy and sector strategies, to gear these strategies towards the requirements of emission reductions. Effective stakeholder participation is a critical success factor in all planning and strategy development processes.


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  West Papua Social Forestry Working Group holds coordination meeting to prepare 2025 work plan

Financial Cooperation (FC)

The government of Germany commissioned KfW for financial and GIZ for technical support of FORCLIME. REDD demonstration activities financed by KfW are – together with other initiatives (i.e. AusAID; TNC; WWF) – among the first REDD "on the ground projects" in Indonesia (and worldwide). The REDD pilots are meant to demonstrate that local development, sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation and climate protection go hand-in-hand.


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        Click the "Read more" on this section to visit FORCLIME-FC's site.

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-gizKFW