Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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The Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry recently held a meeting to finalize its report on the monitoring and evaluation of the 2014 – 2024 strategic plan. The event, supported by FORCLIME, was held on 15 August 2024 at the Gedung Manggala Wanabakti building in Jakarta and was chaired by the Head of the Planning Bureau, Dr. Edi Sulistyo Heri Susetyo. The discussion was attended by representatives from all technical units of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.
The monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the 2014 – 2024 Strategic Plan (Renstra) aims to ensure the effective implementation of the Renstra. The M&E report features a comprehensive overview of the progress that has been made so far, highlights key achievements and also identifies various challenges that need to be addressed. The meeting also validated various findings and formulated a number of recommendations aimed at improving the M&E report.
The report has been divided into three volumes which address the following specific topics:
1. Lessons Learned in Structural Roles
This volume describes the Ministry's accomplishments from 2014 to 2019, as well as the ministry's progress from 2020 to 2024 and highlights various achievements such as building climate resilience, maximizing the economic potential of forestry and environmental resources, ensuring equitable forest benefits for communities, and establishing accountable governance. This volume also discusses community-based programmes, monitoring and evaluation systems and the recognition of outstanding contributions to environmental protection.
2. Thematic Corrective Policy
This volume addresses a decade of corrective policy actions that have been implemented in relation to Indonesia's environmental and forestry development. Each chapter provides a detailed analysis of the specific policies and strategies that have been adopted in order to address critical environmental challenges, including reduced deforestation, the improvement of forest and land conditions, the preservation of biodiversity and enhanced ecosystem services.
3. Ensuring Sustained Key Actions
This third volume outlines key recommended actions that need to be sustained in order to ensure ongoing environmental management. Each chapter offers detailed recommendations and strategies aimed at ensuring long-term sustainability.
Overall, the meeting focused on ensuring that the M&E of strategic planning reports are comprehensive, accurate and well-presented. Through this report, the Ministry aims to provide a valuable assessment of its strategic planning efforts and to notify future decision-makers.
In addition, the meeting also discussed preparations for the launch of the M&E report, which has been scheduled for around the second week of September 2024.
For more information, please contact:
Fadhilatunnisa Nurhadiza, Junior Adviser for Sustainable Forest Management
Mohammad Rayan, Technical Adviser for Cross-Cutting Issues and Conflict Management
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic Area Manager for Forest Policy and Climate Change
To report on the progress of eLearning development at the Environment and Forestry HR Training Center, which is being supported by GIZ, FORCLIME was granted an audience with the Head of the Human Resources Extension and Development Agency (BP2SDM) at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Drs. Ade Palguna Ruteka, at the Manggala Wanabakti Building, Jakarta on 5 July 2024. In attendance at the meeting were the Head of the Environmental Training Center, the Head of the Extension Center, the Head of the Environmental and Forestry Generation Training Center, the Secretary of BP2SDM, officials from the HR Planning and Development Center and the FORCLIME Team led by Mr. Florian Moder, the new FORCLIME Program Director, who has replaced Mr. Georg Buchholz.
During the meeting, FORCLIME reported that its collaboration with the Environment and Forestry HR Training Center (LHK HR Diklat Center) regarding the development of eLearning has been ongoing since 2013. In this regard, various capacity development efforts relating to the policy, organizational and individual levels at the Ministry HR Training Center and the Environment and Forestry (EF) Training Center (structural officials, graduate students and administrative staff) have been implemented during the course of the past decade. Indeed, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the EF HR Training Center and the EF Training Center were still able to provide training services to apparatus and non-apparatus staff through the implementation of eLearning.
FORCLIME further reported that in 2023, the EF HR Training Center requested support for the development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). This was subsequently followed up by FORCLIME, which put together a study that addressed the readiness of the EF HR Training Center to organize a MOOC in March 2024. The results of this study were able to provide a number of inputs that specifically addressed certain policy, managerial and technical aspects that required intervention from the management of the LHK HR Training Center and BP2SDM. The latest developments regarding MOOC development were the holding of a number of workshops to prepare a MOOC Development Roadmap and Training of Trainers sessions that addressed the implementation of MOOCs, both of which were held in July 2024.
At the hearing, several BP2SDM working units expressed the expectation and hope that FORCLIME would ultimately support several activities, including:
1. Support for eLearning development under the Adiwiyata Green School programme, as requested by the Environmental and Forestry Generation Training Center.
2. Support for the development of eLearning to increase the capacities of Environmental and Forestry Extension Officers from the Extension Center.
3. The HR Planning and Development Center (Pusrenbang) has carried out a training needs assessment (TNA), the report on which can be used to develop MOOC modules.
4. Support for reviews of regulations and policies that specifically relate to eLearning and their adaptation to current regulations, as provided by the Legal Section of the BP2SDM Secretariat.
For more information, please contact:
Edy Marbyanto, Strategic Area Manager for Human Capacity Development
The Social Forestry Business Group (KUPS) was formed in an effort to encourage local communities to become actively involved in forest management. Through KUPS, village communities, particularly villagers who are members of groups, can work together to improve their overall welfare while managing their forest resources sustainably.
To increase the KUPS grade of the Doda Village Forest Management Institute (LPHD) in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, the Kulawi Forest Management Unit (KPH Kulawi), supported by FORCLIME, held a coordination meeting on 8 July 2024 at the KPH Kulawi office. This meeting was held to prepare for an assessment of the categories of two KUPS, namely Sintuwu Singgani and Namomi Singgani, which are currently in the ‘Blue’ category but are predicted to be able to move up to the ‘Silver’ category. Assessments of potential increases in KUPS grades are completed in line with Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 9 of 2021 on Social Forestry Management and are carried out twice annually in an effort to increase said grades. It is also hoped that such class assessments will later become the basis for identifying needs that can be supported by KPH and other parties while improving the KUPS grade at LPHD Doda.
The meeting, which was attended by KPH Kulawi Social Forestry Extension Officers, as well as by the KPH Kulawi Extension Coordinator, also discussed a dissemination plan that will promote the existence of the Doda Village Forest so that the community can gain an understanding and knowledge of the Doda Village Forest area. In addition, the meeting also discussed the installation of KUPS Sintuwu Singgani and Namomi Singgani signs at the homes of KUPS members who are serving as members of the KUPS Secretariat. These initiatives aim to inform and educate the village community about the LPHD and KUPS in Doda Village. Moreover, the Secretariat can also be used as a collaborative forum by administrators and members in order to generate additional income from the various products that group members make.
For more information, please contact:
Muhammad Yusuf, Advisor for Social Forestry and Sustainable Forest Management
Ismet Khaeruddin, Senior Adviser for Biodiversity and Provincial Coordinator for Central Sulawesi
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