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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

2024 11 05 Sosialisasi LMS dalam Pengembangan MOOC na 1

With the ultimate goal of fulfilling the training needs of civil servants (ASN) and non-ASN on a broader scale, the Environmental and Forestry Human Resources Training Center (Pusat Diklat SDM LHK) at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) is currently preparing and developing its Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). This method is one of the proven solutions for the organization of distance training for ASN at KLHK, which is followed by almost 16,000 people.

One of FORCLIME’s supports in the MOOC development, through Common Sense, a consulting company, in improving the Learning Management System (LMS) through the optimization of its existing features. Several important aspects relating to the improvement of the LMS were disseminated and trained to administrators from the Pusat Diklat SDM LHK, as well as several Environmental and Forestry Training Centers located within the regions. This activity was carried out online on 5 November 2024 and was opened by the Head of the Administration Sub-section of the LHK HR Training Center, Mr. Denni Rasyid, S.E., M.Si.

The improvement of the KLHK LMS (elearning.menlhk.go.id) in order to support the development of MOOC encompasses two different two aspects, specifically: 1) Improving server capabilities; and 2) Improving LMS administrator features. Improving LMS server capabilities is very important in terms of efforts to support MOOC implementation as MOOC hosts thousands to hundreds of thousands of users simultaneously and requires a server infrastructure that is capable of handling spikes in traffic, data loads and various real-time activities that take place through the KLHK LMS. For this reason, a manual has been published that will hopefully help to improve the capabilities of the KLHK LMS server, which will involve the installation of a control panel for the monitoring of traffic and activities, a server duplication mechanism for trial activities (staging), and an automatic data back-up mechanism.

During the event, Mr. Denni Rasyid expressed his gratitude for GIZ's ongoing role in facilitating and supporting the development of MOOC, including improvements to the features/plugins needed by LMS LHK and the preparation of a new set of guidelines that should make it easier for administrators to manage and implement eLearning/MOOC training in the future.

For more information, please contact:
Naufal Abdillah, Junior Adviser for Human Capacity Development
Danan P. Hadi, Adviser for Remote Sensing/GIS and eLearning
Edy Marbyanto, Strategic Area Manager for Human Capacity Development

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz