Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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The Environment and Forestry Service of West Kalimantan Province through the West Kalimantan REDD Working Group (REDD WG), supported by FORCLIME, conducted a meeting presenting the 2020 performance of REDD WG and preparing the 2021 work plan on 15-16 December 2020 in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. This event, which was carried out online and offline, was officially opened by the Head of the Environment and Forestry Service, Mr. H. Adi Yani, MH. He was accompanied by the REDD WG Chairman who delivered a speech regarding the commitment of West Kalimantan province to contribute to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation that have been implemented since 2012 when the REDD WG was established.
During the meeting, the REDD WG presented its 2020 activities in achieving emission reduction targets including formulating new regulation and revising the old ones, revision of the REDD WG structure, preparing governor's regulation on emission reduction targets, increasing the capacity of FMUs related to forestry and climate change, strengthening the communication network of the parties, as well as the development of climate change financing alternatives through several schemes such as the preparation of proposals for the Green Climate Fund.
In addition, the meeting also discussed the 2021 work plan to complete the province's commitment to achieving emission reduction targets as outlined in the West Kalimantan Emission Reduction Action Plan Strategy.
For more information, please contact:
Jumtani, Coordinator West Kalimantan Province
Aiming to increase the leadership capacity of the Forest Management Unit (FMU) to manage changes so that the changes faced become a source of positive dynamics for the FMU organization, the West Kalimantan Environment and Forestry Service in collaboration with FORCLIME conducted a training on leadership and change management for KPH leaders in Pontianak on 14-18 December 2020. The training, opened by the Head of the Environment and Forestry Service, was attended by 20 participants from 17 FMUs in West Kalimantan and three officials of the Environment and Forestry Service of West Kalimantan Province.
During the training the participants were divided into four groups discussing themes related to (1) Development of an effective, efficient, transparent and accountable budgeting system; (2) Independent FMU development in 2030; (3) Empowerment of forest communities; (4) Development of an effective, accountable and open management information system. Results of the training will be developed as the Changes Plan, which will be followed up by the Environment and Forestry Service of West Kalimantan Province and FMU in accordance with their duties and authorities.
For more information, please contact:
Jumtani, Coordinator West Kalimantan Province
Edy Marbyanto, Strategic Area Manager for Human Capacity Development
Following series of discussions and interviews with relevant parties, the Environment and Forestry Service of West Kalimantan Province (Dinas LHK) conducted a focus group discussion on delegating authority related to forestry affairs to the forest management unit (KPH) on 11 December 2020 in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The discussion aimed to separate, and delegate tasks and functions related to KPH’s role as forest management operator at the site level. The document will become a guideline for FMU operational implementation. The meeting, supported by FORCLIME and IDH West Kalimantan, was attended by officials from the Dinas LHK and Heads of KPH in West Kalimantan.
The result of the focus group discussion will be formulated into a document on organizing and delegating forestry affairs to KPH, which afterwards will be formalized through a decree from the Head of the Environment and Forestry Service of West Kalimantan Province.
For more information, please contact:
Jumtani, Coordinator West Kalimantan Province
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic area manager for forest and climate change policy
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