Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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Following the signing of the Implementation Agreement for Forests and Climate Change Programme (FORCLIME) Technical Cooperation module, a kick-off meeting for FORCLIME 4.0 was conducted on 29 – 30 January 2021 through blended online and offline meeting. The meeting was led by the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) as the project executing agency of the Programme. FORCLIME 4.0 will have similar strategic areas as previously, namely: forest policy, sustainable forest management, human capacity development and supporting biosphere reserve in Central Sulawesi. However, for this FORCLIME 4.0, the location is shifting from Kalimantan to Papua and West Papua provinces in addition to Central Sulawesi. Participants of more than 50 people consist of representatives from the relevant MoEF directorates, local partners in Central Sulawesi, Papua and West Papua provinces, as well as FORCLIME staff. After the kick-off, that formalized by the Planning Bureau of MoEF, participants actively provided inputs for the Strategic Plan of FORCLIME 4.0. The discussion continued until the second day to harmonize the strategic workplan with partners’ strategic plan. The final document will be sent to the Head of Planning Bureau for signing and later will be used as a basis for preparing annual work plan of FORCLIME 4.0.
"I really appreciate the process of preparing the FORCLIME 4.0 strategic plan, aspect of forest conservation, especially related to Lore Lindu, is the main activity of this programme", said Mr Jusman, the Head of Lore Lindu National Park before the session is closed by the official from the Planning Bureau of MoEF.
For more information, please contact:
Mohammad Sidiq, Senior Adviser and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua provinces
Pipin Permadi, Senior adviser and Liaison officer
After more than 10 years of implementation, there are a lot of lessons from the implementation of FORCLIME. Therefore, a book contains of experiences of FORCLIME’s staff as well as acknowledgement from FORCLIME’s partners at local level was developed with title Kisah dari Tepi. Catatan tentang Penerapan Program Hutan dan Perubahan Iklim (FORCLIME) di Kalimantan dan Sulawesi (Story from the edge of the forest. Notes from the implementation of FORCLIME in Kalimantan and Sulawesi). The prepared book aims for sharing knowledge and experiences as well as to understand how FORCLIME facilitated and enpowered its partners for sustainable forest management, nature conservation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. The book, which is currently available in Indonesian, can be downloaded here.
For more information, please contact:
Edy Marbyanto, Strategic Area Manager for Human Capacity Development
Ratu Wina Widyawati, Programme Officer for Knowledge Management
Following the "Independent Learning" policy launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture, FORCLIME in collaboration with the Sebijak Institute of the UGM Faculty of Forestry conducted a series of online courses on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the forestry sector on 19 - 28 January 2021. The activity, which was attended by more than 200 students from across disciplines throughout Indonesia, was not only limited to providing knowledge through lectures, but also facilitating and mentoring small group of selected student participants. Prior to the lecture series, FORCLIME and Sebijak Institute selected student participants through assessing their motivation on the filled participant form. The selected student participants are divided into five groups to discuss topics in forestry that are closely related to achieve the SDGs, as follows: 1) Food estate in Forest Areas; 2) Geothermal in Conservation Areas; 3) Social Forestry; 4) REDD+ and its Effectiveness; and 5) Management of Tourism in Conservation Areas. Additionally, the selected students are also required to fill out the pre-test and post-test sheets provided on the Learning Management System E-Lok platform of Gadjah Mada University. At the end of the activity, all groups presented the results of the discussion based on the series of online lectures, according to the determined topic themes. To evaluate the development of their knowledge about SDGs in the forestry sector, participants individually were assessed through pre and post-tests, in addition to final presentations.
“I learned many things about forestry in this online course, especially with the interactive course model which makes it easier for me to understand. I hope that in the future similar activities can be conducted with other topics that may be more specific." said Nilam Anggun Cahyani, one of selected student participants from the Sumatra Institute of Technology.
For more information, please contact:
Sekar A. Woro Yunita, Adviser for Monitoring & Evaluation/Sustainable Forest Management
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