Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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The West Papua Forestry Service, working in conjunction with Production Forest Management Units (KPHP) in Tambrauw and South Sorong, has developed a programme aimed at the empowerment of traditional forest communities (masyarakat hutan adat - MHA) in and around forest areas in order to realize the vision and mission of the conservation province/district of West Papua. The community empowerment programme is being implemented through the social forestry scheme and Forest Farmers Groups (KTH). According to the Head of the Forestry Service, Mr. Runaweri, the traditional forest communities that are currently engaging in activities in forest management unit areas should increase their capacities as regards the management of their organizations, plants and businesses through technical guidance, training, comparative studies and other initiatives. Ultimately, these communities should be able to support sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation practices across West Papua.
The West Papua Forestry Service recommended that several villages should be analysed more deeply in order to identify their potentials and any need to increase the capacity of KTHs so that they can be synergized with FORCLIME. Field surveys were carried out in 10 villages in November 2021 and these were followed by discussions with the Head of the West Papua Forestry Service in December 2021. Four villages have now been selected, specifically Haha Village in Distrik Saremuk and Wendi Village in Distrik Sawiat in South Sorong Regency; as well as Emmaus Village in Distrik Sausapor and Bikar Village in Distrik Bikar in Tambrauw Regency. These four villages will be targeted for the implementation of joint programmes in conjunction with the West Papua Forestry Service and FORCLIME. Said programmes will focus on activities relating to the development potential of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and environmental services, the fostering of KTHs and encouraging the implementation of social forestry programmes, including local initiatives that relate to customary forests in the KPHPs of Tambrauw and Sorong Selatan.
Various strategic issues were discussed during the meeting with the Head of the Forestry Service including FORCLIME’s supports for a number of different activities during 2022, such as:
1. Support for the West Papua Forestry Service as regards the dissemination of forestry policies in the wake of the issuance of Law No. 11/2020 on Job Creation, particularly policies that relate to Government Regulation (PP) No. 23/2021 on the Management of Forestry; Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 8/2021 on Forest Management, the Preparation of Forest Management Plans and Forest Utilization in Protection Forests and Production Forests; and Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 9/2021 on Social Forestry Management.
2. Support for the activities of the Acceleration of Social Forestry Working Group in West Papua.
3. Support for FMUs as regards the preparation of a revised long-term forest management plan (RPHJP) document.
4. Support for KTHs within four selected villages regarding institutional management, area management and NTFP business management, including environmental services.
For more information, please contact:
Nita Yohana, Adviser for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for West Papua Province
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces
As part of preparations of their 2022 work plan, FORCLIME and the Environment and Forestry Human Resources Training Center (Pusdiklat SDM LHK) organised a recent initial discussion that addressed human resources (HR) capacity development. This hybrid meeting was held in the Sonokeling Room at Pusdiklat SDM LHK and also via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 21 December 2021. The purpose of the discussion was to develop a synergistic and complementary work plan for Pusdiklat SDM LHK. The 2022 FORCLIME work plan will focus on several main activities, including the development of e-learning, the development of electronic modules for KPH HR and capacity building for lecturers (widyaiswara).
At the end of the discussion session, Ms Puji Iswari, the acting of the Head of the Pusdiklat LHK, stated that, “Although FORCLIME’s main focus is currently in eastern Indonesia, we hope that FORCLIME’s capacity building activities will still prove valuable to Pusdiklat LHK so that their benefits can be applied across seven Environmental and Forestry Education and Training Centers and Forestry Vocational High Schools throughout Indonesia.”
A follow-up to this meeting is planned for January 2022, during which Pusdiklat LHK will invite FORCLIME and other partnering institutions to discuss the finalization of the 2022 work plan.
For more information, please contact:
Wira Hakim, Junior Adviser for Human Capacity Development
Edy Marbyanto, Strategic Area Manager for Human Capacity Development
The West Papua Working Group for the Acceleration of Social Forestry (Pokja PPS) is a forum of the West Papua Provincial Government and is coordinated under the West Papua Provincial Forestry Service. The Pokja comprises four work units, specifically: Capacity Development; Preparation of Work Areas; Post-Permit Business Facilities; and Management of Pesona Mart. Through the Pokja PPS, Social Forestry programmes in West Papua Province can be organized and implemented from the provincial level to the site level. Pokja PPS members represent various agencies, including the Forestry Service, Environment and Land Service, Industry and Cooperatives Service and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency, as well as various technical units of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (agencies of the Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership for Maluku Papua Region and the Manokwari Region XVII Forest Area Consolidation), the Faculty of Forestry at Papua University and other related institutions. Moreover, there are two new additional members, one of which is FORCLIME, which have now joined the secretariat of the PPS Pokja. This new membership is in the process of being revised through the issuance of Governor’s Decree Number 522/15/VII/2021 by the Legal Bureau of the Regional Secretary of West Papua Province.
In an effort to evaluate performance during the course of 2021, the West Papua Pokja PPS held a coordination meeting on 10 December 2021 in the meeting room of the Forestry Service in Manokwari. The meeting was opened by the Head of the West Papua Province Forestry Service, Ir. Hendrik Runaweri, MM, who also serves as the Chair of the Pokja PPS West Papua, and discussed the work programme plan for 2022.
The follow-up to this meeting encompassed the formulation of a work programme for each work unit, the setting of times and dates for coordination meetings and the creation of a communication channel group in order to facilitate coordination.
For more information, please contact:
Melanesia Brigite Boseren, Junior Adviser for Rural Livelihood, Forest Management and Conservation
Nita Yohana, Adviser for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for West Papua Province
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces
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