Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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The 2023 Conference of Parties (COP) 28 United Nations Framework on Climate Change Conference (UN-FCCC) was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 30 November to 12 December 2023. This Climate Change Conference, which discussed various climate change issues, is held every year. Delegations from all over the world attended this year’s event, including representatives from member countries, scientists, businesspeople, indigenous peoples, journalists, experts and other related parties.
Every year Indonesia engages in soft diplomacy during the COP via its Indonesian Pavilion. Through the Indonesia Pavilion, climate actions that have been implemented in Indonesia are showcased, both by the government, the private sector and other civil society players.
This year, West Kalimantan Province was also present and offered some insights into the development of climate funding proposals from the Global Climate Fund (GCF). Acting Governor of West Kalimantan, dr. Harisson, MPH., underlined the province's strong commitment to implementing sustainable development through the improved governance of natural resources and programmes related to climate actions. After this address, the proceedings continued with a presentation from the West Kalimantan Province Environment and Forestry Service, GIZ, PT. Kandelia Alam and the National Defense University. Mr. Wandojo Siswanto, Senior Advisor for Forestry Policy and Climate Change at FORCLIME (a cooperation program between the Federal Government of Germany and the Republic of Indonesia relating to forests and climate change) also spoke on the collaboration and the role that GIZ is currently playing supporting the West Kalimantan Province as it prepares a proposal for CGF climate funding.
The presence of West Kalimantan Province at the Indonesian Pavilion during the COP28 demonstrates the ongoing cooperation and collaboration between the West Kalimantan Provincial Government and stake-holders as these parties work to implement sustainable development and contribute to the 2030 NDC and FoLU Net Sink targets.
For more information, please contact:
Jumtani, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and Value Chains, GCF Focal Point
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic Area Manager for Forest Policy and Climate Change
To promote community empowerment as part of efforts aimed at increasing community income and improving livelihoods, the Papua Provincial Forestry and Environment Service, working in conjunction with FORCLIME, held a training session on mushroom farming for forest farmer groups from 4 - 8 December 2023 in Sabron Village, Jayapura Regency, Papua. The training session was opened by the Head of the Papua Province Forestry and Environment Service and was attended by 19 participants, nine of whom were female.
During the training session, participants were taught how to cultivate mushrooms through the use of simple technologies and without pesticides in order to ensure that such cultivation is environmentally friendly. Session participants also learned how to produce planting media from sago waste and wood sawdust, both of which are abundant in the village. In addition, the participants also learned how to implement processes of inoculation and incubation.
“Through this training session, we have now learned how to prepare planting media, including the processes that are involved in the placement of planting media into polybags, the inoculation process and the incubation process. However, we will require help procuring equipment and seeds, which remain an obstacle for the community in terms of the cultivation of mushrooms," explained Mrs. Rahel Yewi, one of the training participants.
Now that the training has concluded, each village will form mushroom farming groups. Additionally, further training sessions on the processing of mushrooms after harvesting will be held in order to increase the values of the villagers’ products with an eye on increasing local incomes.
For more information, please contact:
Hana Soakakone, intern from Cenderawasih University
Rut M Ohoiwutun, Junior Adviser for Community Forestry and Hutan Adat, Papua
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Tanah Papua
In order to accelerate the implementation of social forestry programmes within Papua Province, following the stipulation and promulgation of Presidential Regulation Number 28 of 2023 on Integrated Planning for the Acceleration of Social Forestry Management, the Papua Province Forestry and Environment Service (DKLH) held a coordination meeting with the Working Group for the Acceleration of Social Forestry on 12 December 2023 in Jayapura City, Papua Province. The meeting was opened by the Head of the Forestry Planning Division of the DKLH, Dr. Estiko Tri Wiradyo, SH. M.Sc., who addressed the Region III Section of the Center for Social Forestry and Environmental Partnerships (BPSKL) Maluku Papua, as well as DKLH’s various development partners, including FORCLIME. During the meeting, two topics regarding Social Forestry and Regional Development within the Papua Region against the background of Presidential Regulation 28 of 2023 were presented by the Head of Section III BPSKL Maluku Papua, Mr. Nelson Kaimana, S.Hut., M.Sc. In addition, a presentation was also made on the topic of Sustainable Forestry Development Policy within Papua Province by Mr. Ridwan Admojo from DKLH.
As a follow-up to this activity, a meeting will be held to formulate the overall concept of a Governor's Decree that will specifically address the Papua Province Social Forestry Acceleration Working Group, as well as the preparation of a work plan.
For more information, please contact:
Anna Manyakori, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua Province
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Tanah Papua
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