Kyoto University to help RI’s peat restoration

Kyoto University has teamed up with the National Institute for the Humanities ( NIHU ) to help out with Indonesia’s ambitious peatland restoration project, an initiative that aims to see 2.26 million hectares of damaged peatland restored in the next five years.

The partnership team plan to research the various types of restorative treatments to be carried out within each recovery site and will focus on how to involve local people so as to later see them achieve an improved level of livelihood.


KPK’s Involvement Helps to Improve Forest Governance: UNDP

Jakarta. The involvement of the national antigraft agency in monitoring forest practices in Indonesia has helped to improve governance in the industry, the United Nations Development Program said.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) started its involvement in forest industry monitoring in 2015 under the auspices of the National Movement for Saving Natural Resources, after signing a memorandum of understanding with 12 ministries and government institutions.


Do we really want to save the Sumatran rhinoceros? (commentary)

At present rates of destruction, in about 25 years there will be no rainforests outside protected areas in Malaysia, already void of Sumatran rhinoceroses, nor in Indonesia. Many fewer than 100 Sumatran rhinos remain in fragmented populations in Sumatra and Borneo. In addition to the wild populations, there are nine Sumatran rhinos in captivity (six in Indonesia and three in Sabah). Half of them are actually non-reproductive individuals because of degenerated physical conditions: long term isolation and lack of breeding has caused their reproductive organs to deteriorate.

Recently, two main recommendations emerged from the countless (inversely proportional to actual results) meetings:

  • new genetic material is needed to decrease the species’ risk of extinction and enhance its viability;
  • the populations need to be managed under a truly global management system


Reclamation Island Endangers Jakarta Mangroves

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta-The Indonesian Mangrove Restoration Foundation (IMARF) said that a reclamation island in the Jakarta Bay will endanger the existence of the capital's mangrove forest, which is already in a critical condition.

"The first thing they will do in order to build the reclamation island is destroy the mangrove forest," IMARF executive director Nurul Ikhsan said on Sunday, April 17


Tripa’s Trials: protecting key orangutan habitat through the courts

“Hell for people and paradise for orangutans,” is how Ian Singleton, director of the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program (SOCP), describes intact Indonesian peat swamp forests.

With their high daily temperatures and steamy 90 percent humidity, these lush dense forests teem with life — from the last viable populations of Sumatran tigers, to herds of Sumatran elephants, plus rhinos, sun bears, clouded leopards and of course, orangutans.


DiCaprio endorses petition to save Sumatra’s last great rainforest

Leonardo DiCaprio has endorsed a petition asking Indonesian leaders to protect the Leuser Ecosystem, one of Southeast Asia’s last great swaths of rainforest.

Several times in recent days, the Oscar winner and environmental activist has exhorted his Twitter followers to sign the petition, which asks Indonesian president Joko Widodo, Aceh governor Zaini Abdullah and others to revoke the province’s new spatial plan, which makes no mention of Leuser and thus exposes its pristine forests and tiger habitat to industrial incursions.


Flores eagle attracts international bird-watchers

More international bird-watchers, especially from the US and European countries, are visiting Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, to observe the Flores eagle, an endemic bird species on the island.

Yohanes B. Fua, head of the conservation section for regional division III at the East Nusa Tenggara Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), said areas popular for bird-watching included the Ruteng Ecotourism Park, especially on the southern side of Ranamese Lake in Kampung Phinisi, Ranamese district, East Manggarai regency. The peak of Mount Ranaka was also considered an ideal place to watch Flores eagles.

As Indonesian forests burn, new anti-fire agency feels heat

As forest fires raged like never before across Indonesia last year, President Joko Widodo announced he was setting up a special agency to tackle the annual scourge that shrouds parts of Southeast Asia in choking haze

But, with this season's fires already blazing, the Peatlands Restoration Agency has barely got off the ground and has a huge task ahead of it.


EU commits to helping Aceh in fight against climate change

All smiles: Aceh Governor Zaini Abdullah (left) shakes hands with EU Ambassador to Indonesia Vincent Guérend at his official residence Pendopo Aceh in Banda Aceh on Wednesday. The EU pledge to give Aceh ¤6.5 million (US$7.35 million) for environmental projects.(JP/Hotli Simanjuntak)

The European Union (EU) announced on Wednesday new funding worth ¤6.5 million (US$7.35 million) for Indonesia'€™s Climate Change Response project, promising to support Aceh deal with environmental issues and sustainable economic development.


Orang Utan Illegal Traders Sent to Prison

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Pekanbaru District Court has sentenced three suspects of Orang Utan illegal trade in Riau. Awaludin and Ali Ahmad were sentenced to 2.5 years in prison, while Khairi Roza was sentenced to two years in prison.

"The suspects are proven to be guilty of their crime, and hereby sentenced to 2.5 years in prison," said Presiding Judge Ahmad Pudjoharsoyo during the trial on Tuesday, March 22, 2016.
