Plant Specimen Training for South Sumatra Botanists

In order to build the capacity of botanists in South Sumatra, GIZ Bioclime collaborated with the Forestry Research Centre (Balai Penelitian Kehutanan (BPK), to hold a training program on processing and making plant specimens. The sessions, which took place over 2 (two) days from 7-8 April 2016 at the BPK office in Palembang, involved 27 participants from the Sriwijaya University Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, BPK Palembang, and the Muhammadiyah University in Palembang. The head trainer was Prof. Tukirin Partomihardjo, a botany expert from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), and the assistant trainer was Dafid Pirnanda. In the words of Prof. Tukirin, “This training was an opportunity to share experiences and pass scientific knowledge on to the next generation of young botanists in South Sumatra”. Further, Hendi Sumatri – the Head Organiser – added that the collaboration between GIZ Bioclime and BPK Palembang, as well as other parties involved in measuring carbon and biodiversity, had collected many plant specimens and it would be best to make use of them in the interests of education and research.

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