Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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Consultation and coordination with related parties regarding the development of the climate funding pro-posals of the Provincial Government of West Kalimantan, which is working in conjunction with GIZ as an Accreditation Body, and regarding funding originating from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), are being car-ried out at the national, provincial and district levels. In this regard, public consultation activities related to the proposals were carried out across five districts in May 2023, specifically the districts of Ketapang, Kubu Raya, Sintang, Sanggau and Kapuas Hulu.
In terms of the completeness of the proposals, various documents that relate to traditional communities living across the five districts will need to be prepared. As a result, information on community involvement has been collected and involved the conducting of interviews with village heads, local village representa-tives, community leaders, traditional leaders, traditional women’s leaders and local youth leaders. Inter-views across the five districts were held from 23 May to 16 June 2023 and were assisted by consultants funded by SFF (a bilateral source of funding that can be utilized to examine and prepare activities/technical cooperation projects such as the West Kalimantan GCF). The results of these interviews will be compiled into an Indigenous Peoples Plan document which will become part of the overall climate funding proposal made for the GCF. This document will set out the roles and the involvement of traditional communities regarding the project implementation plan, as well as any positive and negative impacts that may ultimate-ly emerge and be felt by communities during the project implementation period.
For more information, please contact:
Dwi Wahyu Asti, SP, M.Si., Provincial Environment and Forestry Service
Jumtani, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and GCF Focal Point
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic Area Manager for Forest Policy and Climate Change
Through Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2022, the Regional Government of West Papua Province has designated around 69% of its land as protected areas. In addition, the regulation also designates the Provincial Strategic Area (KSP) and the Crown Jewel Land Corridor of Papua (MPTP), which cover a combined area of 2.3 million hectares. To prepare for the integrated management of MPTP, the Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) has drafted a Regional Regulation on the Management of the Crown Jewel of Tanah Papua (MPTP). Given that the success of MPTP management depends on the provision of support and assistance by various parties, BRIDA held a public consultation on the Draft Regional Regulation on Integrated Management of MPTP in Manokwari on 27 June 2023. The event was opened by the Head of BRIDA West Papua Province, Prof. Dr. Charlie. D. Heatubun, S.Hut., M.Sc. and was attended by related offices from West Papua Province, including the Provincial Services of Forestry, Mining and Energy, Public Works, Culture and Tourism. In addition, the consultation was also attended by technical implementing units from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), specifically the Center for the Conservation of Natural Resources (BBKSDA) West Papua Region II, the Maluku-Papua Climate Change Center and the Manokwari Sustainable Forest Management Center. Also present were the district administrations of the areas covered by the Crown Jewel of Tanah Papua (specifically the districts of Manokwari and Pegunungan Arfak), as well as official West Papua Provincial Development Partners.
The Public Consultation on the Draft Regional Regulation on the Integrated Management of the Crown Jewels of Tanah Papua aimed to gather input from participants representing the government, academics and development partners in order to ultimately improve the Draft Regional Regulation. The public consultation also discussed various options for the roles and participation of contributors in relation to the integrated management of the Crown Jewel of Tanah Papua.
For more information, please contact:
Nita Yohana, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for West Papua Province
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces
In order to coordinate the proposal for climate funding that has been made by the Provincial Government of West Kalimantan through the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) held a meeting with the Provincial Government of West Kalimantan in Jakarta on 22 June 2023 that addressed the funding proposal, with GIZ acting as the GCF’s accreditation agency. The meeting was attended by the Regional Secretary of West Kalimantan, the Director-General of Climate Change Control, the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and the Director of BPDLH, as well as by representatives from the Bureau of Foreign Cooperation and the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The goal of the meeting was to build mutual understanding among the various parties involved. During the meeting, the Vice-Minister of Environment and Forestry, Dr. Alue Dohong, delivered a speech and gave directions regarding the channelling of funding. There then followed instructions from the Director-General of Climate Change Management, Dr. Laksmi Dwanthi, as well as a presentation from the Director of BPDLH, Dr. Joko Tri Haryanto.
During the meeting, the Regional Secretary of West Kalimantan, Dr. Harisson, delivered a speech that was followed by a presentation on the institutional design plan and distribution of funding that was given by the Head of the West Kalimantan Environment and Forestry Service, Ir. H. Adi Yani, MH. During the discussion session, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s Foreign Cooperation Bureau provided input on the importance of involving other institutions, including international institutions, in the design of the various projects that are currently being developed, as well as the importance of following applicable rules and regulations.
This coordination meeting will be followed up with more in-depth discussions that address the design of funding distribution, as well as various institutional arrangements.
For more information, please contact:
Dwi Wahyu Asti, SP, M.Si., West Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service
Jumtani, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and GCF Focal Point
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic Area Manager for Forest Policy and Climate Change
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