Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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With the aim of realizing the joint activity program plan for 2023, the West Papua Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) and FORCLIME carried out a self-assessment activity on conservation areas within the scope of BBKSDA Region I Sorong from 22 - 24 August 2023 in Sorong City, Southwest Papua. Five conservation areas in total carried out the self-assessments, specifically: Pulau Misool Nature Reserve (CA), CA Pulau Salawati, CA Pantai Sausapor, CA Pegunungan Tamrau Utara and Beriat Natural Tourism Park (TWA). The purpose of this activity was to assess the effectiveness of conservation area management in order to evaluate the management efforts that have been implemented to date. The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) was the method selected to complete these self-assessments. The event was opened by Mr Fajar F.D. Darwis S.Hut., the West Papua BBKSDA Forest Ecosystem Manager, and was attended by 35 participants, including representatives from West Papua BBKSDA, community leaders, traditional leaders, village governments from the five assessed areas and development partners (FORCLIME and FFI).
During the event, Mr. Mohamad Rizki Riadhi, S.Hut., the West Papua BBKSDA Forest Ecosystem Manager, broke down the profiles of the five conservation areas that were being assessed. Meanwhile, the self-assessment activity for conservation area management was facilitated by Dr. Ismet Khaeruddin, FORCLIME's senior advisor for biodiversity conservation.
The Directorate-General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (Ditjen KSDAE) at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry uses the METT method, which is an internationally accepted approach, to monitor and assess the overall management of conservation areas. These evaluations are carried out every two years. Assessments of the effectiveness of conservation area management are one of the performance targets for conservation area management set out under the Ditjen KSDAE's Strategic Plan (Renstra) for 2020 – 2024 and involve Activity Performance Indicators (IKK). The Directorate-General of KSDAE has determined the effectiveness values of conservation area management to monitor management effectiveness achievements within conservation areas.
The results of self-assessments will be drawn up as reports for each conservation area that will subsequently the ratified by the Director-General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. These reports will then be used as a planning guide for the West Papua BBKSDA over the next two years. In addition, these results will also serve as a reference for collaborative programmes that are undertaken with BBKSDA West Papua partners.
For more information, please contact:
Nita Yohana, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for West Papua Province
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Tanah Papua
In an effort to improve the community and livelihoods in Yanggandur, one of the villages that are being supported by the Wasur National Park and FORCLIME in Merauke Regency, South Papua, an initial survey of the Moruti Farmers Group (which means ancestral land) was carried out on 21 August 2023. This activity was initiated by village facilitators who implemented various activities in Yanggandur Village, Theodorus Tethool S.Sos. An initial survey of other farmers groups in Yanggandur Village was previously been undertaken at the beginning of August. This current initial survey aimed to assess the Moruti Farmers Group in terms of administration and product potential.
The Moruti Farmers Group was founded by Mrs. Kasparina Ndiken, who is also the group leader, and has 15 members (including the leader). The group produces non-timber forest products, such as VCO oil and various flavors of banana chips, and will soon start producing buah merah oil (oil made from Pandanus conoideus). The survey results have revealed that the group does not yet possess any administrative documents (cash book, guest book, group activity book). Moreover, the products that are being produced are not yet covered by any Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) license. Through mentoring activities, group capacity is set to be increased in terms of production quality, including packaging, product marketing and necessary permits. In addition, training sessions will also be held that specifically address administrative and financial management, as well as institutional strengthening.
For further information, please contact:
Theodorus Tethool, Yanggandur Village Facilitator
Ruben Yogi, GIS and Mapping Advisor
Rut Ohoiwutun, Community Forest and Customary Forest Advisor
As a follow-up to Letter of the Head of the Foreign Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Environment and For-estry (MoEF) regarding the Submission of the West Kalimantan Green Climate Fund (GCF Kalbar) Proposal, the West Kalimantan Environment and Forestry Service held a meeting with West Kalimantan GCF partners on 16 August 2023. The partners invited to the meeting were FORCLIME, Fauna Flora International (FFI) and Solidaridad, while the meeting aimed to strengthen cooperative relations among West Kalimantan GCF members, including through the provision of updates on the development of the GCF proposal and partner cooperation with the MoEF related to the planned climate funding proposal for the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
The hybrid meeting was led by the Head of Forest Use and Utilization for the Provincial Environment and Forestry Service, Mr. Ervan Judiarto, and was attended by several heads of the Environment and Forestry Service, members of the REDD Working Group (academicians and local NGOs) and GCF partners in West Kalimantan.
After the meeting, Solidaridad and FFI added the activities that will be carried out under the GCF framework to the memorandum of understanding (MoU) that is being prepared with the relevant national partners. This MoU will ultimately become the basis for the implementation of joint activities with the West Kalimantan Environment and Forestry Service.
For more information, please contact:
Ervan Judiarto, ST., MT., the Head of Forest Use and Utilization of the Environment and Forestry Service
Jumtani, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and GCF Focal Point
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic Area Manager for Forest Policy and Climate Change
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