Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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In order to support the Center of Environment and Forestry Education and Training (CEFET) in the development of the interactive eLearning module, FORCLIME has hired two interns that have been tasked with converting a conventional module into e-book format. The two interns from IPB University first joined FORCLIME back in November 2021. After a consultation process with CEFET, it was agreed that a training module on Ecotourism Interpretation would be converted by the interns.
The interns successfully completed the task of converting the entire Ecotourism Interpretation module, which comprises four chapters, at the start of March 2022. Subsequently, in March 2022, a series of meetings were held with Widyaiswara (a CEFET lecturer) in order to refine the draft eLearning module. Improvements were also developed through a process of intensive consultation with the original author of the module.
The eLearning module on Ecotourism Interpretation was ultimately finalized at the end of March 2022 and uploaded to the Learning Management System server owned by CEFET. The plan is for the module to be used as a set of teaching materials during a blended learning programme (a combination of online and offline training) that is set to be held by CEFET in May 2022.
For more information, please contact:
Wira Hakim, Junior Advisor for Human Capacity Development
Edy Marbyanto, Strategic Area Manager for Human Capacity Development
In order to commemorate International Day of Forests, which falls 21 March, the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) in Germany and the Indonesian International Forestry Student Association (IFSA) recently held a series of events, including Forestry Awareness Week. In order to support this activity, PPI Germany invited the Forests and Climate Change Programme (FORCLIME) to give an address under the theme “Knowledge of Papua's Forests”. This activity was streamed live via the Instagram Discussion Channel of the Department of Research, Education and Strategic Studies at PPI Germany on 26 March 2022 under the title “Morning Talk (Kaffe AM Morgen)”. The Morning Talk event was moderated by Sekar Ayu Woro Yunita, a master's student in Tropical and International Forestry, Georg – August – University of Gottingen. Speaking on behalf of FORCLIME were Melanesian Brigite Boseren (Junior Adviser for Rural Livelihood, Forest Management and Conservation), Rut M. Ohoiwutun (Junior Advisor for Community Forestry and Customary Forest, Papua) and Mohammad Sidiq (Strategic Area Manager, Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces).
During the Morning Talk event, FORCLIME introduced a number of programmes that are currently being implemented and that are set to be implemented in Tanah Papua. Other topics addressed during the Kaffe AM Morgen encompassed:
• The condition of the forests in Papuan Land (Tanah Papua) and the uniqueness of the Tanah Papua’s forests, with particular focus on what distinguishes them from other Indonesian forests.
• The primary non-timber forest products that are produced in Tanah Papua.
• The wisdom and traditions of local communities in relation to the management of natural resources and forests.
• The role of women in forest management in Tanah Papua.
The discussions at the event were informal but proved interesting, given that not all of the Kaffe AM Morgen participants were forestry practitioners. The hope is that through such activities, both forestry and non-forestry practitioners will gain an understanding of the importance of Tanah Papua’s forests so that they will be able to make a productive contribution to the wise use of forests and natural resources in the future.
For more information, please contact:
Melanesia Brigite Boseren, Junior Adviser for Rural Livelihood, Forest Management and Conservation, West Papua
Rut M Ohoiwutun, Junior Advisor for Community Forestry and Customary Forest, Papua
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager, Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces
The Provincial Government of West Kalimantan, working in collaboration with the School of Strategic and Global Studies at the University of Indonesia and supported by various stakeholders, including FORCLIME, recently held an International Seminar on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. This activity was held on 23 March 2022 in Pontianak with the purpose of building a common understanding of the provincial government’s vision and mission in relation to the implementation of climate-change control policies aimed at meeting emissions reduction commitments at the national and international levels.
This hybrid activity was attended by representatives from the government, private sector and development partners working at the provincial, national and international levels. The seminar got underway with a report-related speech that was delivered by the Director of the School of Strategic and Global Studies, Dr. Hanif Saha Ghafur. This was then followed by a number of opening remarks made by the Director-General of Climate Change Control at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Mrs. Ir Laksmi Dewanthi, MA. Following this, the Governor of West Kalimantan, Mr. H. Sutarmidji, SH, M.Hum. delivered a short address in which he stated said activities aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change should not be carried out at certain times only while the environmental damage that is having an impact upon our climate change.
The event continued with presentations from a number of international speakers that included Prof. Miroslav Matyja from the University of Bologna, William Boyd from GCF-TF, Georg Buchholz from FORCLIME and Alexis Athur from UNDP, all of whom delivered their presentations online. These sessions were then followed by addresses given by a number of Indonesian speakers, including Prof. Jatna Supriatna from the University of Indonesia and Mr. Indroyono Soesilo from the Indonesian Forest Entrepreneurs Association.
Through this activity, the Provincial Government of West Kalimantan demonstrated its commitment to climate change, particularly its contributions to Indonesia’s emissions reduction targets, as outlined under the Nationally Determined Contribution and the FoLU Net Sink 2030 Commitment.
For more information, please contact:
Yenny, S. Hut, MT, Environment and Forestry Service of West Kalimantan Province
Jumtani, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and GCF Focal Point
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic Area Manager for Forest Policy and Climate Change
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