Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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In order to inaugurate activities in the supported village of Babrongko, Jayapura Regency, Papua, the Papua Provincial Forestry and Environment Service (Dinas KLH), in conjunction with FORCLIME, held an event on 21 May 2022 aimed at the dissemination of information about the joint work programmes that will be undertaken within the village.
The event was organised in line with the principle of Free, Prior Informed Consent (FPIC). Through this approach, information was clearly communicated to the community from the earliest possible stage as regards the implementation of programmes aimed at offering support for the development of forest farmer groups, with a particular focus on community capacity building. The event saw involvement from interested parties in the village, including traditional leaders (Ondofolo and tribal chiefs), the village government, women’s leaders and forest farmer groups. This outreach activity also saw participation from the Head of the Papua Province Forestry and Environment Service, Mr. Jan Jap L. Ormuseray.
The dissemination event represented the first stage towards securing approval from the community and other related parties and aimed to ensure that the community was presented with comprehensive information on the various programmes that will be implemented. Through this process, local communities can give voice to their opinions and ultimately decide whether to accept or reject certain initiatives and programmes.
In his speech, the Head of the Provincial Forestry and Environmental Service (Dinas KLH) explained that the FPIC process was being implemented in order to respect the rights of customary peoples as partners of the Dinas KLH in programmes that are being supported by FORCLIME.
"FORCLIME formulates concepts and efforts aimed at increasing community capacity and initiates programmes by considering the potential of the relevant community before it addresses any new programmes," explained the traditional leader of Babrongko village, Ramses Wally, after listening to the explanation presented by Dinas KLH and FORCLIME.
The agroforestry women's group also expressed its support for FORCLIME programmes and its hope that capacity-building activities will take existing women's groups into account so that they will also be able to increase their capacities in relation to the management of NTFPs.
During the event, the selected community facilitator for and citizen of the village of Babrongko, Mr Septinus Wally, was also introduced.
A follow-up FGD to this event has been planned and will be attended by Babrongko’s forest farmer groups.
For more information, please contact:
Theodora F. Resubun, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua Province
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces
FORCLIME has been organising an internship programme since 2019 and in 2021 this programme involved three universities, namely Cenderawasih University, IPB University and Papua University, which saw participation from four of its students.
After participating in the internship programme for six months (October 2021 - March 2022), students from the University of Papua presented the lessons that they had learned on 19 May 2022 in the meeting room of the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Papua in Manokwari, West Papua. The event, which was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Dr. Jonni Marwa, S.Hut., M.Sc., was attended by students and lecturers from the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Papua.
During the presentations, the students explained the various activities that they had engaged in during their internships, including:
- Introduction to GIZ and FORCLIME;
- Participation in Training on Free, Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) with the University of Ottow Geissler Papua;
- Inclusion in the socio-economic survey team, as well as conservation and public health services during the implementation of a feasibility study on forest conservation programmes through health services for communities living in and around forests, in an effort to harmonize human health and forest health in Tanah Papua, as carried out by the Yayasan Alam Lestari (ASRI);
- Involvement in village identification activities in relation to the implementation of forest management activities with the community of South Sorong;
- Attendance at the FORCLIME planning workshop;
- Involvement in the preparation of the Writing Workshop on the Conservation District and Customary Forests of Tambrauw Regency. Moreover, two interns completed a study as part of preparations for their final assignments (thesis).
“Internships are one of our targets and are being aimed at increasing the capacities of our students, not only in terms of their knowledge but also how this knowledge is applied out in the field,” explained Dr. Jonni Marwa, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Papua.
For more information, please contact:
Nita Yohana, Adviser for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for West Papua Province
Melanesia Brigite Boseren, Junior Adviser for Rural Livelihood, Forest Management and Conservation
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces
The Lore Lindu National Park is currently engaging in a number of conservation partnerships with villages around the area through the Village Conservation Management Institute (Lembaga Pengelola Konservasi Desa – LPKD) formed by the village head. This conservation partnership is an arrangement that grants rights to various communities living around the Lore Lindu National Park in terms of access to and the collection of non-timber forest products (NTFPs), traditional farming and the utilization of environmental services. As of 2021, the Lore Lindu National Park Office had established a conservation partnership with 56 villages around the national park area.
In order to discuss these achievements, as well as various challenges that will have to be faced and plans for future activities, the Lore Lindu National Park Management held a workshop in order to evaluate the conservation agreements that were signed back in 2019. The event was opened by the Division Head of the National Park Management for Poso Region III, Mr. Eko Purwanto, S. Hut. and was held on 25 April 2022 in Lore Tengah, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi. During the workshop, evaluations were carried out in five villages in Central Lore District and four villages in Lore Piore District. These evaluations were aiming to determine developments and progress, as well as to identify problems and anticipate problem-solving initiatives as regards the implementation of community conservation partnerships.
The activities carried out by the LPKD in the wake of it receiving funding support have included the following:
The workshop also discussed ways of overcoming obstacles/challenges, as well as various follow-up plans, specifically:
1. Activation of the secretariat and revitalization of the management.
2. The Head of the Resort was asked to make a ranked presentation to the Lore Lindu National Park.
3. Increasing awareness among the general public through the dissemination of information about the Conservation Partnership programme.
4. Organization of regular training activities aimed at attracting the interest of the younger generation.
5. Seeking out of networks and marketing partners for non-timber forest products.
6. Identification of key products for joint marketing. One potential commodity that features widely across the Lore area is coffee. In this regard, GIZ is currently facilitating network marketing in conjunction with Catur Coffee.
7. Organization of a study tour to Yogya in order to study mushroom farming (as the area has a high potential in terms of the cultivation of mushrooms), as well as to learn traditional bracelet weaving (Eha).
For more information, please contact:
Fikty Aprilinayati, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and Biosphere Reserve Management
Ismet Khaeruddin, Senior Advisor for the Biodiversity Focal Point for the KFW Forest Program 3 and Provincial Coordinator for Central Sulawesi
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