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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

2024 09 12 Support the Public Review of RPJP TAHURA my 4

Forest Park or Tahura is a conservation area that is managed by the local regional government. According to Law No. 50 of 1990, Tahura comprises a nature conservation area, one of the purposes of which is the collection of natural and non-natural plants and animals of both native and non-native species. These are subsequently utilized for research, scientific, educational, supporting cultivation, cultural, tourism and recreational purposes.

The Central Sulawesi Grand Forest Park (Tahura Sulteng) is located in Sigi Regency and Palu City, while its management is the responsibility of the provincial government, in this case the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UTPD) of Tahura Sulteng. The purpose of managing Tahura Sulteng is to develop the area into a center for plant and animal collections so that it becomes a zone that the people of Central Sulawesi can be proud of. Tahura boasts a diversity of flora and fauna, including 159 types of vegetation (that include 100 types of trees, 13 types of grasses, 22 types of lianas, stranglers, epiphytes, saprophytes and parasites, and five types of palms). The dominant species that can be found in this area are sandalwood (Santalun album) and biti (Vitex cofassus). Meanwhile, the Tahura Sulteng fauna comprises mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. In 2021, Tahura Sulteng experienced a 1,933 Ha reduction in its total area, based on Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number SK.6624/MENLHK-PKTL/KUH/PLA.2/10/2021. The park’s current size is 5,195 Ha.

In an effort to improve the Long-Term Management Plan (RPJP) of Tahura Sulteng 2025-2034, the Forestry Service of Central Sulawesi Province, represented by the Head of Forest Planning and Utilization, Mrs. Zulfiany, S.Hut., M.Sc., held a public review on 12 September 2024 at Ngatabaru Village in Sigi Regency. This activity was supported by FORCLIME and was attended by residents and officials from Mantikulore sub-district in Palu City and Sigi Biromaru sub-district in Sigi Regency, as well as a number of officers responsible for order and security in rural areas, specifically Village Guidance Officers (Babinsa) and Community Security and Order Officers (Bhayang Bhabinkamtibmas).

During the meeting, the Ngatabaru Village community voiced its ambition for UPTD Tahura Sulteng, in its role as manager, to maintain the current area of the park. Another proposal, this one submitted by FORCLIME, related to the inclusion of gender mainstreaming in the RPJP document in line with Presidential Instruction Number 9 of 2000 on Gender Mainstreaming During National Development, which was ultimately realized as P.31 of 2017 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming Within the Environmental and Forestry Sector. This proposal is aiming to optimize gender mainstreaming efforts across all program and activity planning, preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluations within the environmental and forestry sector. The hope is that the RPJP Tahura Sulteng document will incorporate gender-responsive planning and budgeting.

As a follow up to the input received during this public review activity, UPTD Tahura Sulteng will incorporate the various suggestions and input received from participants during the meeting into the Tahura Sulteng Long-Term Management Plan Document, as well as consult with related parties, including the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

For more information, please contact:
Muhammad Yusuf, Adviser for Social Forestry and Sustainable Forest Management
Ismet Khaeruddin, Senior Adviser for Biodiversity Conservation and Provincial Coordinator for Central Sulawesi

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz