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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

2024 05 27 Sosialisasi rencana pendampingan BRWA Sulawesi Tengah pada MHA To Lindu ah 8

Following up on a meeting that addressed the collaborative agreement regarding governance and the preparation of activity plans for the To Lindu Customary Law Community in Central Sulawesi, the Central Sulawesi Customary Area Registration Agency (BRWA), supported by FORCLIME, held a session to disseminate assistance plans that will be implemented by the Customary Law Community (MHA) To Lindu on 27 May 2024 in the BRWA Meeting Room in Palu City, Central Sulawesi. This meeting was attended by the Forest Area and Environmental Management Agency (BPKHTL) for the Palu region, the Lore Lindu National Park, the Center for Social Forestry and Environmental Partnerships (BPSKL) in the Sulawesi region, the Central Sulawesi Provincial Forestry Service, the Central Sulawesi Provincial Environmental Service, Sigi Regency Environmental Service, the Forest Management Unit (KPH) of Kulawi and the KARSA Institute. The meeting, which was opened by the Head of the BRWA Central Sulawesi Office, Joisman Tanduru, aimed to inform the parties present about a series of activities that BRWA Central Sulawesi, working in conjunction with FORCLIME, will carry out in order to provide assistance to the MHA To Lindu. In addition, the meeting also aimed to gather input from parties regarding the implementation of the MHA To Lindu management assistance activity plan as a part of efforts to ensure improved community welfare based on sustainable forest management. Mr. Ismet Khaeruddin, in his role as Coordinator for GIZ Central Sulawesi Province, stated that intensive coordination and communication between the parties was an important factor in terms of the hoped-for success of the programme plans, as will be implemented by the To Lindu Customary Law Community.

The follow-ups to this meeting break down as follows:

1. Better communication with the BPKHTL in the Palu region regarding the plan for the preparation of instructions for the marking of the boundaries of the Katuwua To Lindu Customary Reserve Forest.
2. Implementation of inventory activities for sustainable use of the Katuwua To Lindu Customary Reserve Forest.
3. Discussion that will synchronize efforts under the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) programme, as implemented within the MHA To Lindu area.
4. Collaboration between the Central Sulawesi Province Environmental Service, the Sigi Regency Environmental Service and related parties to prepare a management plan for the Katuwua To Lindu Customary Reserve Forest that has been adapted to the area's function.
5. Strengthening of the institutional capacity of MHA To Lindu through the involvement of relevant parties.
6. Creation of information boards within the Katuwua To Lindu Customary Forest area.

For more information, please contact:
Arif Hidayat, Junior Forestry and Biodiversity Advisor
Ismet Khaeruddin, Senior Adviser for Biodiversity and Provincial Coordinator for Central Sulawesi

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz