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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

2021 11 11 synergy and harmonisasi emission reduction Kalbar 6

As stated in the REDD+ Provincial Action Plan Strategy for West Kalimantan, the province of West Kalimantan is committed to achieving an overall emissions reduction target of 60%. The synergy of the various parties involved, specifically the government and various development partners, will be required in order to achieve this ambitious target. The REDD+ Working Group, as a medium of communication and coordination for the parties involved in REDD+, is responsible for compiling data and information that relates to emission measurements and for reporting all climate-change-related activities. In this regard, various programs and activities undertaken by the parties have now been identified as not having been reported and must now therefore be integrated into the data and systems of the REDD+ Working Group. In order to tackle these issues, the REDD+ Working Group, in conjunction with FORCLIME, facilitated a recent a multi-stakeholder FGD aimed at synergizing and harmonizing emissions reduction programs within the province of West Kalimantan.

The FGD was held on 11 November 2021 at the Ibis Hotel Pontianak and was attended by West Kalimantan Provincial Government agencies, the REDD+ Working Group and development partners responsible for the implementation of various programs and activities relating to emissions reduction. The FGD was opened by the Head of the Environment and Forestry Service of West Kalimantan Province, Ir. Adiyani, MH, who outlined the West Kalimantan Provincial Government’s commitment to reducing emissions through the establishment of the REDD+ Working Group in 2012 and the implementation of programs aimed at supporting the achievements of the West Kalimantan Province Vision and Mission regarding environmentally sound development.

In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Gusti Hardiansyah, MSc, QAM, as Chair of the REDD+ Working Group, outlined the role of the REDD+ Working Group as a node and medium of communication for the parties concerned, as well as the need for data harmonization in order to determine program distributions within each region, as implemented by the relevant parties.

This FGD resulted in a programme identification table drawn up by development partners, as well as an activity location distribution. This table will be used in order to evaluate and measure forthcoming achievements against emissions reduction targets.

For more information, please contact:
Yenny, S.Hut, MT, Environment and Forestry Service of West Kalimantan Province, Member of the West Kalimantan REDD+ Working Group
Jumtani, Advisor for Sustainable Forest Management and GCF Focal Point
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic Area Manager for Forest Policy and Climate Change

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz