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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

The Bukit Soeharto Grand Forest Park (Tahura Bukit Soeharto)

Based on the Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No. 1231 in 2017, the Tahura Bukit Soeharto covers of 64,814.98 hectares. The Tahura is located in the administrative region of the districts Kutai Kartanegara and Penajam Paser Utara in East Kalimantan Province. Following the East Kalimantan Governor Regulation No. 101 of 2016, the Tahura is managed by the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Tahura Bukit Soeharto.

Historical set-up of the Tahura Bukit Soeharto

1982 Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture No.818/ Kpts/Um/II/1982 Bukit Soeharto Protected Forest was established with a total of 27,000 hectare. 
1987 Decree of the Ministry of Forestry No. 245/Kpts-II/1987 Bukit Soeharto Nature Recreation Park was established with a total of ± 64,850 hectare.
1990   Demarcation boundary was completed by the BIPHUT Wilayah IV Samarinda with a total of 61,850 hectare.
1991 Decree of the Ministry of Forestry No. 270/Kpts-II/1991 Determined as Bukit Soeharto Recreation Park with a total of 61,850 hectare.
2004 Decree of the Ministry of Forestry No.419/Menhut-II/2004 Determined as Bukit Soeharto Grand Forest Park (Tahura Bukit Soeharto) with a total of 61,850 hectare.
2009 Decree of the Ministry of Forestry No. 577/Menhut-11/2009 Changes in Tahura Bukit Soeharto, the area was increased to 67,766 hectare
2017 Decree of the Ministry of Forestry 1231/2017 revision of the Decree of the Ministry of Forestry No. 577/Menhut-11/2009 Establishment of Tahura Bukit Soeharto with a total of 64,814.98 hectares, located in the districts of Kutai Kartanegara and Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan Province

Source: Dokumen Blok Pengelolaan Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Soeharto di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara dan Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara Propinsi Kalimantan Timur periode 2019-2028

Within the Tahura Bukit Soeharto, three special purposes forests were designated (Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus-KHDTK), namely:
(1). The Samboja forest research area (KHDTK Penelitian Samboja) with a total of 3,504 hectare, which later was transformed into the Seed Technology Research Institute (Balai Penelitian Teknologi Perbenihan) following the decree of the Ministry of Forestry No. 201/MENHUT-II/2004);
(2). The Samarinda education forest (KHDTK Balai Pendidikan dan Latihan (Diklat) Kehutanan Samarinda), whichcovers 4,310 hectare, which are determined through the Minister of Forestry decree. No. 8815/Kpts-II/2002); and
(3). The Universitas Mulawarman tropical forest research center (KHDTK Pusat Penelitian Hutan Tropis Lembab-PPHT) with a total of 20,271 hectare, following the Minister of Forestry decree No. 160/Menhut-II/2004.

As it was originally established as a Grand Forest Park (Taman Hutan Rakyat-Tahura) , the Bukit Soeharto forest area has to be managed in accordance with the regulation of managing a Nature Conservation Area (KPA), of which the main function is protecting life support systems, preserving diversity of plant and animal species and sustainable use of biological natural resources and their ecosystems (Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Number: P.35/MENLHK/SETJEN/ UM.1/3/2016 concerning Procedures for the Preparation of Management Plans in Natural Reserve Areas and Nature Conservation Areas).

Thus, in its management, Tahura Bukit Soeharto is divided into management blocks in accordance with the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.76/Menlhk-Setjen/2015. In addition, the distribution of blocks also refers to the Regulation of the Director General of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems Number: P.11/KSDAE/SET/KSA.0/9/2016. The division of management blocks is adjusted to the physical, socio-economic and cultural conditions. The arrangement of the Tahura Bukit Soeharto Tahura management blocks will be used as a guidance in developing a long-term management plan (RPJP) for the next 10 years.

Therefore, a document of for managing the Tahura Bukit Soeharto was prepared with the following objectives:

  • Enhancing the understanding of the various stakeholders in regard to the potential of the Tahura Bukit Soeharto;
  • Arranging the Tahura Bukit Soeharto area in accordance with current regulations and management priorities;
  • Providing guidance to the area managers and stakeholders in synchronizing the management of the Tahura Bukit Soeharto and Forest Areas with Special Purpose (KHDTK).

The document for managing Tahura Bukit Soeharto covers the following information:

  • Description of general condition of the Tahura Bukit Soeharto Tahura, such as: location, history and legal basis, results of forestry potential inventory, area accessibility, physical condition of the area, social and cultural conditions.
  • Economic and environmental conditions of the communities surrounding the area.
  • Results of forest inventory data analyses, block determination methods, data collection methods.
  • A description of each management block of Bukit Soeharto Tahura: location, area and geographical location; potential of natural resources and objects that can be utilized for nature tourism and conservation education.

FORCLIME’s support

FORCLIME Technical Cooperation (TC Module) played an active role in preparing the Tahura Bukit Soeharto management document, starting from the preparation (coordination meetings, discussions); conducting public consultations; providing GIS experts to conduct spatial analysis, experts to assist with the writing and editing process); facilitating the document evaluation by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Team (Directorate of Patterning and Nature Conservation Information) and capacity building for Tahura Bukit Soeharto staff through a coaching clinic for planning documents. In addition, FORCLIME is also actively involved in accelerating the endorsement process such as supporting the process of improving post-assessment documents, escorting the process at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, public consultations and coordination.

Next stage

The documents on the management of the Bukit Soeharto Tahura management block have been validated by the Director General of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems through Decree No. 415/KSDAE/SET/KSA.0/10/2019 concerning the Management of the Bukit Soeharto Grand Forest Park, Kutai Kartanegara and Penajam Paser Utara Regencies of East Kalimantan Province. Furthermore, it will be used as a guide in preparing a long-term management plan (RPJP) for the next 10 years.

FORCLIME's next supports will be related to preparing the Long-Term Management Plan of the Tahura Bukit Soeharto. FORCLIME is committed to actively support the process during the preparation such as coordination meetings, discussions; conducting public consultations; providing GIS experts to conduct spatial analysis, experts to assist with the writing and editing process); facilitating document evaluation by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Team (Directorate of Conservation Areas) and additionally, will be involved in accelerating the approval process.

For more information, please contact:
Suprianto, Technical Adviser for Sustainable Forest Management
Wandojo Siswanto, Strategic Are Manager for Forest Policy

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz