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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

2023 05 02 KAREBA Orchid CBLL Monthly Meeting my

The KAREBA Orchid Group of the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve (KAREBA CBLL) comprises three groups of orchid farmers from three villages that are located in Palolo District in Sigi Regency in Central Sulawesi, specifically the villages of Karunia, Rejeki and Happy. This orchid farmers group, which was founded in 2017, has seven members drawn from each of these villages. The initial goal behind the forming of this group was to improve and develop the abilities of group members and their families to grow orchids, particularly the village women, given that most of the members of this group are women.

To improve communication and share information, KAREBA CBLL organizes regular meetings which are held on a monthly basis. On 2 May 2023, the group held a meeting in the village of Bahagia. During the meeting, the administrators and group members produced several agreements which are aimed at mutual progress, including the improvement of facilities and infrastructure in the orchid nurseries, as certain types of orchids grow well in clay pots. The group also discussed the best media in which to grow plants, including charcoal from saman (Samanea saman) and coffee woods, which are considered superior planting media. In addition, the meeting also discussed the group’s requirements, which include fertilizers, insecticides and other items. These items are needed due to the annoying presence of snail pests, while flower bud-destroying insects are also common pests in this area. During the meeting, KAREBA CBLL also discussed increasing shared knowledge capacity through simple training. This activity is expected to involve local instructors, who will act as resource personnel.

During the meeting initiated by the orchid farmers group, it was also agreed that a routine, monthly meeting would be held on the first Tuesday of every month. Through regularly meetings and exchanges of ideas, it is hoped that group members will be able to encourage the activities of other members. In terms of institutions, the meeting also discussed monthly fees and appointed a secretary from the village of Rejeki, resulting in an equal distribution of representation from each village. Currently, the chairman of KAREBA CBLL is from the village of Bahagia, while the group treasurer is a representative from the village of Karunia Village.

The monthly meetings will be rotated across KAREBA CBLL group villages, with next month’s meeting planned for Rejeki. However, meetings can also be held in places capable of offering increased knowledge to group members, for example at the Orchid Breeding site in the Kalimpaa Lake Tourism area or the Bancea Orchid Tourism Park in Poso Regency.

For more information, please contact:
Muhammad Yusuf, Junior Advisor for Social Forestry and Sustainable Forest Management
Ismet Khaeruddin, Senior Adviser for Biodiversity Focal Point for the KFW Forest Program 3 and Provincial Coordinator for Central Sulawesi

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz